Your time is important. For some people, time is as important as money. While most people are concerned about spending their money wisely, few consider spending their time wisely. By budgeting your time, you may accomplish your goals and enjoy the things that make life worth living. Are you unsure...
You may not have to spend much money to celebrate Valentine's Day. Instead, you may show your special someone that you love them with sweet gifts that might be easier on the wallet. Want to spread the love without overspending? Then check out these ideas.
1. Plant a Garden Together
Rather than giving...
Are you a football fan? Do you analyze the teams, study the plays, rattle off statistics, current and years past? The steps required to plan your financial future are not dissimilar to football. Producing a solid team requires planning and preparation, just like life, and it is the coach’s and...
Retirement is a chapter of life that, for some, may signal leisure, freedom, and working by choice, not necessity. However, this phase usually requires retirement income from retirement savings withdrawals. Different retirement account types have different taxation when withdrawing monies: taxable...
What does it take to minimize your tax bill, not just this year but in the years to come?
The answer varies for each individual. Tax optimization strategies depend heavily on personal assets and financial goals, which are unique to everyone.
However, nearly all high-net-worth individuals (HNWIs) share...
Each year when tax season rolls around, it comes with the burden of figuring out how to file your taxes correctly. The good news is that there are several ways to prepare and file your taxes, depending on your needs and the complexity of your taxes. Whether you’re trying to save money, increase your...
Asset management and financial wellness can help develop long-term confidence when wealth transfers from generation to generation. Understanding and implementing financial wellness techniques is essential for effectively sharing wealth with the next generations. Here are some financial wellness tips...
Getting close to retirement is exciting, but it often brings a little worry about your financial future. The closer you get, the more you may be concerned with the rising living costs and if your finances are on track to allow you to live as planned when retirement comes. Whether your retirement is...
Travel isn’t just for the rich. With a little creative thinking and some clever planning, you could have a great adventure while saving money at the same time. Not much is considered cheap or affordable anymore, especially when it comes to travel with the prices of airfare up and fees for seemingly...
Watching your portfolio take a hit can be unsettling, but staying focused on the long game is crucial. Even in uncertain times, a long-term strategy helps you navigate market ups and downs more effectively.
Here, we’ll explore why market corrections are normal, how understanding historical trends can...
If you’re like many investors, the thought of paying capital gains taxes on your successful investments might feel overwhelming. But what if there was a strategy to potentially reduce some of those taxes?
It’s called tax loss harvesting, and while the term might sound complicated, it's actually a...
What’s the first thing you think of when it comes to money?
Are your thoughts more positive or negative?
Whatever’s natural to you can speak to your money mindset.1
And that money mindset can shape your financial views and habits. It can also reveal more about your values and beliefs, not just about...